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How Homeowners Can Winterize Their Boilers

The Benefits of a Functioning Boiler 

Boilers and central heating systems, while serving similar ends, are not the same thing. A home’s central heating system controls indoor air quality. It regulates the air’s temperature and sends it through the vents. It’s what makes the house feel nice and toasty inside. On warmer days, it may also function as an air conditioning unit

Boilers are different. Here’s how most boilers work: 

  • The home’s thermostat senses a dip in the home’s internal temperature. 
  • The boiler will turn on, either using a gas, electrical, or oil power source. 
  • The water inside the boiler gets hot. 
  • The hot steam goes through the home’s vents. 
  • When the steam cools, it travels back to the boiler. 
  • When the home reaches its desired temperature, the boiler turns off. 

Every boiler is different. Some may have more or fewer steps than those listed here. This is especially true with smart boilers, which are becoming more frequent in today’s market. 

Catching Problems Early On Prevents Costly Problems Later boiler

Homeowners should have a boiler service professional check their appliances once a year. These professionals will look for cracks, rusted parts, or anything else that could worsen over time. Yet, residents should constantly be on their toes for any negative indicators to maintain an optimal boiler. 

Some signs of a troubled boiler include: 

  • The air does not get warm
  • The air quality is inconsistent; some spots are warmer than others
  • The pilot light keeps turning on and off
  • The boiler is leaking or frequently needs to be filled 
  • The boiler gurgles or makes clunking sounds

It’s better to address issues sooner rather than later. If anything about the boiler seems “off,” homeowners should trust their instincts. They should consider calling a boiler repair service when they suspect a problem - not until boiler installation becomes necessary. 

These Tips Keep Boilers Working Through the Cold Winter Months letters

The best thing homeowners can do is monitor their boilers all year long - not just during the winter. It takes just a few moments of residents’ time to catch problems early. In turn, this could reduce their energy bills and prevent costly, thousand-dollar repairs. 

Consider how the following measures can extend a boiler’s lifetime: 

  • Check for rusted or corroded pipes: If the rust is minimal, homeowners can use a mixture of warm water and white vinegar to scrape it off. They might even scrape the rust with a Brillo pad. If the pipes are completely discolored and rusted, they need to be replaced.
  • Listen to the boiler when it’s on: Abnormal sounds spell trouble. Causes can range from loose internal components to sediment build-up in the water tank. 
  • Be mindful of leaks: It’s easy to spot a puddle, put down a towel, and call it a day. If there’s a leak, homeowners can identify the source by turning the boiler on and locating the issue. Depending on the nature of the problem, homeowners can patch the leak with duct tape. In other situations, however, experts need to replace the boiler. 


About Blaze Air 

Residents of Winston-Salem, NC know they can count on Blaze Air. This family-owned company prides itself on honest estimates, same-day service, and familiarity. They’re “dependable as man’s best friend.” Call now for boiler service!