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Make Sure Love Is the Only Thing in the Air This Valentine's Day

Say Goodbye To Poor Indoor Air Quality for Good!

The last thing anyone wants to deal with on Valentine's Day is a romantic dinner ruined by poor air quality. HVAC professionals have seen it time and time again, but this year is different! Homeowners can ensure their air quality is Valentine's Day ready with these easy tips! Not only that, but they are great things to keep in mind all year round. 

In turn, the HVAC system will work efficiently longer and potentially outlive the average HVAC lifespan in the process. HVAC systems might be complicated, but maintaining excellent air quality doesn't have to be! 

Common Pollutants

It is fair to say that most people are outside of their homes for most of the day. Much of the world only goes home to eat dinner and sleep before work during the week. Because of this, many homeowners suffer from poor air quality in the home. If the air filter isn't changed or the system isn't professionally maintained twice a year, it is likely that the home's air quality is suffering. 

A few things that affect air quality are:

  • Hair
  • Trash cans
  • Dirty clothes
  • Pet fur and dander
  • Old carpet

Not only this, but the air is often filled with pollutants, such as: 

  • Secondhand smoke
  • Lead
  • Pesticides
  • Asbestos 
  • Radon 
  • Nitrogen Dioxide 
  • Carbon Monoxide 

Air Purifier vs. Air Sanitizer 

Air purifiers and air sanitizers both work great to improve indoor air quality. That is the essential purpose of both appliances. However, some slight differences may make one appeal to homeowners over the other. 


  • Air Sanitizer: Air sanitizers get their name because they are best with dangerous pollutants, like viruses, mold, and bacteria. 
  • Air Purifier: Air purifiers, on the other hand, are great for homes with a lot of people and animals coming in and out. They are specifically designed to eliminate dust, dirt, debris, and even pollen. 

A home without at least one of these appliances is sure to suffer from poor indoor air quality. Not only that, but that's a lot more work on the HVAC system than needs to be. The air purifier and air sanitizer help reduce the HVAC system's stress. 

Other Ways To Improve Indoor Air Qualitywoman at home

Yes, homeowners should invest in an air purifier or sanitizer, but there are also other ways homeowners can stay on top of their air quality. Some of these methods are even great to try before investing in an air purifier or sanitizer. 

Some other methods for improving indoor air quality are: 

Blaze Air, Inc Keeps Families Safe

The professionals at Blaze Air, Inc know just how important air quality is. That is why they work hard to ensure all of their customers are safe and their HVAC systems are running efficiently all year round. Their customer reviews speak for themselves. Call today to schedule indoor air quality service in Winston-Salem, NC!